Alessandro G
Alessandro G
  • Updated

When you make a bank deposit, you need to include your personal reference number in the transfer details in order for the funds to reach your SwissBorg account successfully. You can find your number in the payment details when selecting SWIFT bank deposit, under "REFERENCE (REASON FOR PAYMENT", copy it from there and paste it in your banking application. Make sure that you copy all 9 digits and that there are no spaces, symbols or letters included in the field. 

When we receive a deposit without a reference number, it will go to the unreferenced payments pool and will require a manual check in order to be allocated to the correct user account. This can take up to several days, as we will need an official payment confirmation from the sender in order to manually allocate the funds.

If the name of the sending bank account doesn’t match the name of your SwissBorg account, the payment will not go through. We follow a strict Anti-Money Laundering policy and can only accept deposits from your personal bank accounts, to keep your financial history clean. Deposits made from any other bank account, even if it's from your relative's or friend's account, will be rejected and returned to the sender account, for which processing fees will be charged.

If you make a deposit through a FinTech service like PayPal, Revolut, TransferWise, Lydia app etc. and didn’t include your reference number, your money may be lost. The reason for this is that these services make all of their transactions from shared or virtual IBANs, so the only way for us to identify the sender and allocate the funds to the correct account is by checking the reference number. If that is missing, and we are therefore unable to identify the sender, we are obliged to return the funds to the sender account. If that account is a shared or virtual IBAN, there is a chance that the beneficiary (which is the service you made the deposit through) is unable to identify who the funds belonged to as well.

Simply put, the reference number allows us to identify you in the system and to make sure that your deposit will go directly to your SwissBorg account. Make sure to include it every time you deposit via SWIFT to avoid issues and delays. 

I forgot the reference number, what do I do?

If you have made a deposit and forgot to include the reference number, please contact the SwissBorg support team and provide an official payment confirmation from your bank or financial institution. This document needs to contain the full sender’s name, IBAN / account number, the date and the amount of the transaction, and can be either download from your banking app, or provided upon request by the support team of your bank or financial institution. 

To contact the SwissBorg support team:

  • Open the app, tap on the Profile icon in the top left corner of the screen and tap on "Support" in the Profile menu. Next, tap on the "Chat" icon in the bottom right corner of the screen and write your message. You can easily add attachments with the Paperclip icon (make sure you allow the SwissBorg app to access your photos and documents). 
  • From the email address that is connected to your SwissBorg account, send an email to . If you use any other email address, we cannot assist you further for security reasons. 

Happy investing !


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