When sending crypto assets to or from the SwissBorg app, there are a few important things to keep in mind to ensure your funds will arrive safely. To help you make successful transfers, we’ve gathered the most common questions in regard to crypto deposits and withdrawals for you, along with the answers.
Which tokens can I send to and from my SwissBorg account?
You can only send tokens to and from your SwissBorg account that are currently listed in the app.
In the app, tap on “Deposit” to see the whole list of both fiat and cryptocurrencies that are currently available to select. If a token is not on this list it means you can’t currently transfer it to your SwissBorg account. Sending any other tokens than listed may lead to loss of funds, for which SwissBorg can't be held liable, as per the SwissBorg App Terms of Use:
5.15. If the Virtual Currencies are not supported or available on the App, you will not be able to transfer these Virtual Currencies to your Virtual Currency Wallet. If you, however, send Virtual Currencies to a Virtual Currency Wallet that does not support that particular Virtual Currency then You take all responsibility for all the losses that might occur by doing so. The Company reserves its right to refund to the User, at its sole discretion, and with additional charges to the User, the Virtual Currencies that might have been lost during such transfer.
Important notice: the above also goes for variations on tokens that are listed, for example wrapped tokens. Wrapped tokens are tokens that are pegged to a particular cryptocurrency but can operate on another blockchain network, so they are not in fact the same token.
Which network do I need to use?
To successfully transfer crypto assets to your SwissBorg account, you need to make sure that you use the blockchain protocol that is supported by the SwissBorg app for that specific token. Some tokens may be supported by multiple blockchains, but can only be sent to SwissBorg through one specific network. Depositing crypto via any other network may lead to loss of funds, for which SwissBorg can’t be held liable, as per the SwissBorg App Terms of Use:
6.8.9 Please note that You must send Virtual Currencies to an address which supports the technology and/or blockchain protocol of that specific Virtual Currency. You can send to the App exclusively Virtual Currencies that are supported by the App. If you send Virtual Currencies to an address that does not support that specific Virtual Currency and/or if your send a Virtual Currency that is not supported from the App, you take full responsibility for all the losses that might occur by doing so. Similarly, you should make sure that you use the public address displayed on the App. You understand and agree that sending Virtual Currencies to a public address on the wrong blockchain protocol may not be overcome by the Company and may lead to losing your Virtual Currencies. The Company cannot be held responsible for transfers of Virtual Currencies using wrong public addresses. This is the sole responsibility of the Users. The Company reserves the right to charge additional Service Fees to Users that indicate the wrong public address when sending Virtual Currencies to the public address provided on the App.
For each token it is specified in a notification in the app which protocol you need to use for the transfer, and you are required to click “I understand” before being able to obtain the deposit address for that specific token. You can also find a full list of supported tokens and their corresponding protocol here: Crypto Assets supported on SwissBorg
We strongly recommend that you follow the crypto deposit steps for each new deposit, as wallet addresses may be subject to change and previously used addresses may no longer be valid or accessible. Additionally, by following these steps you are always able to confirm you are using the correct protocol for the cryptocurrency you wish to transfer.
What if I accidentally sent an unsupported token or used the wrong network?
If you accidentally sent an unsupported token to your SwissBorg account, or used a wrong protocol for your transaction, please contact our Support team via the app or via email at support@swissborg.com , and provide them with the transaction details.
Although we are not in any way obligated to recover your funds, we care deeply about our community and therefore we do keep a record of lost transactions.
Our developers are working relentlessly to create technical solutions that will allow us to retrieve funds in certain cases, although we can’t guarantee that we’ll be able to recover your funds. Sadly, in some situations it’s simply not possible to do this due to technical limitations and restrictions. However, we will try our best for you and, of course, you will be contacted if we’re able to recover your funds.
As this is a complicated and time-consuming process to create this technology, we kindly ask for your patience and understanding.