Michelle H.
Michelle H.
  • Updated

Your email address is essential for your SwissBorg account in terms of verification, security and communication, so it's both in your and our best interest that it's correct and up-to-date in the app. 

You can change your email address quickly and easily in the app, here's how:
Go to the Profile section and tap on "Personal details" in the menu, then tap on the pencil icon next to the "Email" field to edit. 


A pop-up will appear to warn you that changing your email address will disable withdrawals for 24 hours; this is for security purposes and part of our Account Freeze feature
Tap on "Update Email" to proceed with the change and type in the new email address you want to associate to your SwissBorg account. 

Finally, click on the verification link in the email that was sent to you to complete the process. This will prompt an in-app notification to confirm that your email address has been updated successfully. As of that moment, any new transactional and promotional emails will be sent to your new email address.

If you receive this email and/or notification and it wasn’t you making the change, please click on “That wasn’t me” to notify our Support Team immediately.

After 24 hours the Account Freeze is lifted from your account and all app services and features will be available again.

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