Once you have successfully verified your SwissBorg account for Level 1 (Proof of Identity) you can decide to proceed with the verification of Account Level 2, which is Proof of Residence, right away.
If you choose not to upgrade your account proactively, you can still use all app products and services normally, however, once your cumulated deposits and/or withdrawals reach the Account Level 1 transaction limit of EUR 5’000 you will have to upgrade your account to Level 2. It may also happen that our KYC Team contacts you and asks you to proceed with the Account Level 2 verification; this is necessary in order for us to remain compliant with applicable laws and regulations, and to better protect you and your funds.
To verify your account for Level 2, go to the Profile section in the app and tap on "Account Level" in the menu below. Here you can see all (verified and unverified) account levels, just scroll to “Level 2” and tap on Verify to start the verification process.
Next, you will be asked to confirm that the residential address you had previously entered is still correct, and then proceed to upload documents that prove you are registered at that address.
What type of documents can you provide?
A dated bank statement in your name (personal bank accounts only);
A utility bill linked to the residential property (gas, electricity, water or internet only);
A credit card statement;
A letter from any recognised public authority or public servant, or any other government-issued correspondence or document;
A lease/rent agreement or contract, along with the rent receipt;
An employer’s certificate for proof of residence.
The documents you provide must be no more than 90 days old with both the issue date and your name included.
You can submit multiple documents under Level 2, but if there ever is a need to add more documents you can just tap on the Add additional documents icon in the top right corner of the Account Level screen and submit more documents there. Please always confirm with the Support team when adding additional documents.
If the bills and documents are not in your name, for example because you are living with your parents or you have just moved to a new address, please contact our Support Team through the app or via email - from the email address that is connected to your account - at support@swissborg.com. Our KYC specialists will gladly provide you with alternative documents you can provide and help you verify your account for Level 2.
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