You may stop using the SwissBorg app at any time and without notice to SwissBorg.
You have a right to request deletion of your personal data – this right is not absolute (as sometimes there may be overriding interests that require the processing to continue, for example) but we will consider your request and delete the data according to the regulations.
Please be aware that SwissBorg is entitled at any time to delete your User account and block your access to the app. This can happen in the event the company considers your use of the Services does not fully comply with Terms of Use, the User Agreement or with any Applicable Laws.
What Is the GDPR?
The General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) protects personal data in Europe since 25 May 2018 and replaces the data protection directive of 1995. Personal data includes an individual's name, phone number and address and such digital information as GPS locations, habits, and usernames. Anyone who has access to this data is responsible for its protection.
Data Protection Rules
- Users can request erasure of their personal data;
- Businesses must have consent from individuals for collecting and processing their data;
- In case of a data breach, the regulator, and users must be informed within 72 hours;
- Focus on data protection from the beginning of the project and throughout its life cycle;
- Large enterprises have to employ a data protection officer.
At SwissBorg we respect and follow these rules, because we believe that everyone has the right to know that their personal data is safe and secure.
To learn more, please, check out our SwissBorg App Privacy Policy