Michelle H.
Michelle H.
  • Updated

To help you better understand the Profit/Loss overview that you can find by tapping on the
circle icon in the top right corner of the Portfolio tab, we've listed the terms and their explanations below, along with the calculations for the different types of transactions. 

Total Profit/Loss is the combined amount of Unrealised and Realised Profit/Loss after fees have been subtracted. 
Unrealised Profit/Loss is made by buying a crypto asset that gains or loses value, and will become Realised Profit/Loss when you sell the crypto asset.
Realised Profit/Loss is the profit or loss you make when you buy a crypto asset, and then exchange it again after it has gained or lost value.
Effective time: time when the transaction is credited to the user's balance.
Rate time: exchange rate at the time of the transaction.


AverageBoughtPrice = (previous_average_boughtPrice * previous_balance + bought_price * bought_amount) / (previous_balance + bought_amount)
Unrealised = balance * (currentPrice - averageBoughtPrice)
Realised = previous_realised + soldAmount * (soldPrice - averageBoughtPrice)
Total = realised + unrealised - fees


Considered as "bought <asset>"
Effective time: As soon as it is transferred to the user (pending deposit is not counted in the balance)
Rate time: Time when it gets pending status

Deposits in the display currency are ignored in the Profit/Loss, because Profit/Loss in the display currency is always 0 - fees.


Considered as sold <asset>
Withdrawal: Pending time (pending withdrawal are already removed from the balance)
Withdrawal: Time when it gets pending status
Withdrawals in the display currency are ignored in the P&L (P&L in display currency is always 0 - fees)


from X → display currency : sells X
from display currency → X : buys X
from X → Y : sells X & buys Y

displayCurrency = EUR

Deposit example

displayCurrency = EUR
You make a deposit of 10 BORG and the rate is 1 EUR/BORG.

CurrentPrice = 15 EUR / BORG
Balance = 10 BORG
averageBoughtPrice 1 EUR/BORG
Unrealised = 10 * (15 - 1 ) = 140 EUR
Realised = 0

Then you make a second deposit of 20 BORG at a rate of 2 EUR/BORG.

currentPrice = 16 EUR/BORG
Balance = 30 BORG
averageBoughtPrice = (10*1+20*2)/ (10+20) = 1.666667 EUR/BORG
unrealised = 30 * ( 16 - 1.666667) = 430 EUR
Realised = 0

Withdrawal example

Now you make a withdrawal of 10 BORG:

soldPrice = 15 EUR / BORG
currentPrice = 21 EUR / BORG
Balance = 20 BORG
realised = 0 + 10 * (15 - 1.666667) = 133,33333 EUR
unrealised = 20 * (21 - 1.666667) = 386,66666 EUR

Next, you make another withdrawal of 5 BORG.

soldPrice = 22 EUR / BORG
currentPrice = 25 EUR / BORG
Balance = 15 BORG
realised = 133,33333 + 5 * (22 - 1.666667) = 235 EUR
unrealised = 15 * (25 - 1.66667) = 350 EUR


<asset1> → Display currency

Exchange 1 BORG → 30 EUR
= sells 1 BORG rate 30 EUR/BORG
current price = 31 EUR/BORG
Balance = 14 BORG
Realised = 235 + 1 * (30 - 1.66667) = 263,33333 EUR
unrealised = 14 * (31 - 1.66667) =410,66662

Display currency → <asset1>

Exchange 25 EUR → 1 BORG
= buys 1 BORG rate 25 EUR BORG
current price = 28 EUR/BORG
Balance = 15 BORG
AverageBoughtPrice = (1.66667 * 14 + 25 * 1) / (14+1
= 3,222 EUR
Realised = 263,33333 EUR
unrealised = 15 * (28 - 3,222) = 371,67

<asset1> → <asset2>

Exchange 2 BORG → 1 BTC
Bought time rates:
= 30 / 0.5
= 60 EUR / BTC
= buys 1 BTC rate 60 EUR/BTC
& sells 2 BORG rate 30 EUR/BORG

Current prices:

46 EUR / BTC
Balances = 13 BORG ; 1 BTC
AverageBoughtPrice_ BTC = 60 EUR
AverageBoughtPrice_ BORG = 3,222 EUR
Realised_BORG = 263,33333 + 2 (30 - 3,222) = 316,89 EUR
unrealised_BORG = 13 * (23 - 3,222) = 257,114 EUR
Realised_BTC = 0
unrealised_BTC = 1 * (46 - 60) = -14 EUR

Gifts & earnings

Gifts always have a 0 rate (except the ICO refunds), not the rate at which they were received. Therefore, they are always counted as profit and not as a deposit.


Gift: 10 BORG
Rate at the time of the deposit: 30 EUR/BOG
Current price : 10 EUR/BORG

  • Counted as deposit

unrealised = 10 * (10 - 30 ) = -200

  • Counted as always profit (rate 0)

unrealised = 10 * (10 - 0 ) = 100


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