SwissBorg Earn: How to top up your wallet

Michelle H.
Michelle H.
  • Updated

To add more funds to your SwissBorg Earn wallet, simply follow these steps:

  1. From the Portfolio tab, open any crypto asset where you have an active Earn wallet. Make sure you also have a balance of this token in your regular wallet available.
  2. Scroll down and tap on the Earn card.
  3. Tap the ‘Top up’ button.
  4. Enter the top-up amount, either by typing the amount or selecting ‘25%’, ‘50%’ or ‘ALL’.
  5. Tap ‘Next’.
  6. Tap ‘Subscribe’.

Like your first Smart Yield deposit, this transaction will appear to be ‘Pending’ until 8:00am UTC the following day.

1-DAI-Earn.png  2-DAI-Top-up.png 3-DAI-Amount.png 4-DAI-Confirm.png 5-DAI-Success.png