Michelle H.
Michelle H.
  • Updated

On October 17, 2023, we started to migrate our beloved CHSB to the new and improved BORG token.

This is a very delicate process that can take several days, during which you will not be able to perform any of the following (trans)actions:

  • Subscribing to Premium;
  • Buying or selling CHSB;
  • Depositing or withdrawing CHSB;
  • Sending CHSB via SmartSend;
  • Redeeming referral rewards;
  • Buying or selling Crypto Bundles;
  • Creating new auto-invest for CHSB.

You will still be able to create new price alerts for CHSB during the migration.

BORG to CHSB Exchange Ratio

We maintain a 1:1 ratio between CHSB and BORG, which means that every CHSB token in your wallet, including those locked for Premium or Vaults, will be automatically converted to BORG. This ensures that the value of the token remains the same.

NOTE: The full name of the token remains SwissBorg; only the ticker (short name) changes from CHSB to BORG.

If you hold your CHSB in the SwissBorg app, you don't have to do anything; just sit back and relax while the magic happens! The migration is fully automatic, and each phase is shown in the app. Once all your CHSB tokens have been converted to BORG, they will be available in your wallet.

Depositing from External Wallets

CHSB deposits from external wallets will still be possible after the migration. All deposited CHSB tokens will be automatically converted to BORG at a 1:1 ratio. This process can take up to a month, so we kindly ask for your patience. You will receive a notification when the conversion is complete and the funds have successfully been credited to your account. If it takes more than a month, please contact our support team so they can check and make sure everything is in order.

Please note that you may need to close and reopen the app to properly see your BORG account in the Wallet tab.

If you hold CHSB tokens in an external wallet, we strongly advise you to transfer them to the SwissBorg app before the migration begins. Can't download the app? Don't worry!

For those still holding CHSB tokens in an external wallet, we've developed a super-intuitive, on-chain migrator website to ensure that your CHSB to BORG transition is smooth.
Just go to and follow these simple steps:

  1. Connect your Wallet

  2. Add the token address

  3. Migrate your CHSB into BORG

More information about the migration and the BORG token can be found in our Blog article:


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