With the SwissBorg app, tortuous investing strategies are made simple thanks to Thematics. When you buy a Thematic, you will own a bundle of crypto assets with a single purchase, instead of buying them individually.
How to buy a Thematic?
To buy a Thematic, simply follow these steps:
- In the Marketplace tab, select the Thematic you want to purchase by tapping on it;
- Scroll down to check the content of the Thematic, and if desired, you can read each token description simply by tapping on it;
- Tap "Invest now" and select the crypto or fiat currency you want to use to buy the Thematic;
- Carefully read the Terms of Use, toggle the box to the right to accept, and tap "Next";
- Type the amount that you wish to invest, or select the % of your available balance;
- Check the Market conditions and then tap on "Confirm";
- Once the smart engine has done its magic, tap on Finish and that's it! You are now the proud owner of a Thematic!
Once you have a Thematic, you can easily top up your balance if you wish to invest more.
Simply select the Thematic from your Portfolio tab, then tap on "Buy" and repeat the steps above.
How to exchange a Thematic?
To exchange a Thematic for fiat or crypto, you need to:
- Tap on the Thematic in the Portfolio tab;
Tap on Exchange and select the currency you want to exchange your Thematic for;
Move the slider right or left to sell (a portion of) your Thematic;
Check the Market condition and then tap on Confirm;
Once the smart engine has done its magic, tap on Finish.
Note: We kindly invite you to carefully read both the “Terms of Use” before investing in Thematics
Thematics Fees
For buying and selling Thematics the normal exchange fees according to Premium apply.
For holding Thematics you'll only pay a monthly subscription fee that covers all the work our team and automations will do for you to optimise your Thematics investments!
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