SwissBorg Thematics is our most advanced investment product yet.
A Thematic is a bundle of crypto assets, grouped around a specific topic, which means that you no longer need specific knowledge on individual tokens, but rather can choose a topic you believe in. It has been designed in such a way that everyone from beginners to expert investors can use it.
This investment strategy allows you to diversify your investments and minimise the risk associated with them, while saving you time on research, as our team of specialists is doing that for you.
In this sense, it will provide you with a wide array of benefits, ranging from lower efforts to higher levels of safety investments. Along with these advantages, investing in Thematics offers the following:
Invest in your future
Moving away from the traditional investing in crypto, Thematics enable you to opt for crypto bundles that match your visions and convictions about the future.
Diversification with a simple tap
Instead of manually selecting cryptos for a more diversified portfolio, our analysts will automate this process by carefully hand-picking the best crypto assets, taking into account the common theme, token performance, tokenomics and low-risk/high rewards, among other relevant criteria.
Quality management
Our team ensures a top quality management of the Thematics content, by keeping the ratio of each token as close to the target as possible, while conducting extensive research to keep Thematics up-to-date, despite market conditions and other risks.
Furthermore, Thematics encompasses 2 critical features that ensure higher levels of automation while maximising the profits:
Each thematic crypto asset has an algorithmically optimised target percentage to minimise risks and maximise value. These percentage allocations can easily drift in a volatile crypto market, which is why our automatic rebalancing performs regular exchanges, to keep your portfolio optimised. It is worth mentioning that the timeframe of rebalancing (every 30 days) is unique and depends on when you bought your first Thematic, regardless of any top-ups.
SwissBorg experts regularly review the tokens inside the Thematics, evaluating new market opportunities and low-performing crypto assets. The tokens and their allocation are therefore periodically changed (every 70 days) to ensure the Thematic stays true to its theme and performs at its optimal level.
Which Thematics are there?
Our team is constantly on the look-out for new crypto assets to meet the needs of our community and to find themes with potential growth. Keeping in mind the diversity among our community members
and aiming to encourage financial inclusion, more Thematics will be released in the future.
At the moment, we have the following Thematics available:
- Best Blockchains Thematic: Previously called Web3, our "Best Blockchains" Thematic is carefully curated and focuses on the most promising and foundational blockchains within the crypto space. Its aim is to provide investors with access to and insights in the fundamental infrastructure of the decentralized future.
Golden Thematic: Trading between Bitcoin and gold based on market changes, the Golden Thematic's algorithm adjusts the investment allocations to optimise returns; a stronger allocation to Gold during bearish and correcting market conditions, and a stronger allocation to Bitcoin during bullish and accumulating market conditions.
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